The most affordable products this week at CEAGESP

Weekly CEAGESP (Companhia de Entreposto e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo) publishes the list of products with wholesale prices.

That way, you can take advantage of cheaper items and see options to replace high-priced items.

Low prices: murcot tangerine, pinecone, palmer mango, pear orange, dwarf banana, silver banana, watermelon, lime orange, poncam tangerine, red guava, white guava, green cabbage, chives, kale, green coconut, eggplant, chayote, green pepper, pink sweet potato, pumpkin, cassava, parsley, plain lettuce, crisp lettuce, iceberg lettuce, Swiss chard, turnip, basil, dried coconut and hominy.


Stable prices: yellow melon, daisy avocado, tahiti lime, tommy mango, fortune avocado, rio tangerine, imported pear, sweet passion fruit, purple fig, star fruit, italy grape, dried pumpkin, common cucumber, brazilian zucchini , Japanese pumpkin, yam, São Paulo pumpkin, watercress, ninja broccoli, spinach, carrot with leaf, beet with leaf, washed potato and Chinese garlic.

High prices: Niagara grape, sour passion fruit, hadem mango, papaya papaya, papaya formosa, strawberry, avocado, cashew, fuji apple, imported apple, red and yellow pepper, beetroot, tomato, manioc, redneck cucumber, carrot, string beans, okra, red cabbage, coriander, radish, common broccoli, celery, Argentine garlic, national garlic, asterix potato and national onion.

CEAGESP is located at 

Avenue Dr. Gastão Vidigal, height of nº 1.946 – Vila Leopoldina/SP
(11) 3643-3700