The Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo (Ceagesp) released opening notice of the public contest for your employees. The selection includes mid-level and higher education positions. One of the highlights is the position of administrative technician, which requires a high school degree and provides salaries of BRL 2,629, which can reach BRL 3,522 with a meal allowance of BRL 757.50 per month and a basic food basket of BRL 300 .
Medium and higher levels
Vacancies are offered for practically all careers of the previous selection, from 2009. For the middle level, in addition to the administrative technician position, there are vacancies for safety inspector, occupational safety technician, IT technician and operational technician.
For higher education, the positions for the competition are lawyer, systems analyst, engineer, occupational physician, physician and analyst, the latter with vacancies in the administrative, auditing, social communication, accounting, economics and human resources areas. Initial maturities can reach R$ 7,576.
Registration for the Ceagesp contest is now open and will continue until March 8, through the website of Instituto Águia, organizer. Registrations are done online only. Interested parties should access the banking page, fill out the form with the main data and pay the fee, which costs R$ 63 for the medium and medium/technical levels and R$ 99 for higher.
The boleto can be paid at any bank branch until, at the latest, March 9th. There will be no face-to-face service. The amount must be paid only via bank slip, no deposit or any other type of transaction is accepted.
The contest will have several stages of selection, are the objective, discursive, titles and practice tests, physical test and psychological evaluation, according to the position sought by the candidate. The first will be mandatory for all careers. The objective and discursive tests and the delivery of titles will take place on April 1st. Candidates for higher-level positions will take the test in the morning, from 8 am to 12 pm, while those in the middle and technical levels will take the test in the afternoon, from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Last Ceagesp contest
The last contest held by Ceagesp took place in 2009 and was also organized by Fundação Vunesp. The validity period, already extended, ended on April 23, 2014. Initially, 63 vacancies were offered to various units of the company, throughout the state, in positions at the middle and higher levels.
The contest gathered 9,976 applicants, of which 4,237 were only for administrative technicians. The selection consisted only of objective tests, with 30 or 40 questions, according to the chosen position. Questions on Portuguese Language, Mathematics and Specific Knowledge were applied. For administrative technician there were 40 questions, 10 of which were Portuguese, 10 Mathematics, 10 general knowledge and 10 specific.
Ceagesp contest details
Contest: Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo (Ceagesp Contest)
Organizing bank: Aguia
Positions: Miscellaneous
Education: Middle and higher levels
Number of vacancies: 22 + CR
Remuneration: Up to BRL 10 thousand
Registration: Between February 21 and March 8, 2018
Fee: R$ 69 R$ 99
Exams: April 1, 2018