PETAR SP Almost five hundred caves! And, perhaps, there is more to it than that. In the near future we should know. Caves are fantastic manifestations of the result of persistent, meticulous, slow and continuous work. The water running through the rock. The rock dissolving. With each drop, the sediment accumulates, and at the end of years and centuries, the […]

The Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo (Ceagesp) released opening notice of the public contest for your employees. The selection includes mid-level and higher education positions. One of the highlights is the position of administrative technician, which requires a high school degree and provides salaries of BRL 2,629, which can reach BRL […]
Weekly CEAGESP (Companhia de Entreposto e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo) publishes the list of products with wholesale prices. That way, you can take advantage of cheaper items and see options to replace high-priced items. Low prices: murcot tangerine, pinecone, palmer mango, pear orange, dwarf banana, silver banana, watermelon, lime orange, poncam tangerine, red guava, […]
Governor João Doria (PSDB) once again promised the creation of the “Brazilian Silicon Valley” on the land where Ceagesp (the main vegetable supply center in the country) currently operates, in Vila Leopoldina (west of SP). The goal had been assumed even when Doria was mayor of São Paulo. The toucan posted images of a meeting […]